The Farm
Tucked behind the crops and barns of KGC Farms sits a cedar forest of various micro-terrain, clear pathways, and natural cover. This is The Farm, our very own Guelph-Based airsoft field! (Okay technically it's in Erin, but it's closer to Guelph so cut us some slack)
For those of you who have been following us for a while, you know we've been trying for the last 2 years to get an airsoft field up and running. The combination of Covid-19 and C-21 caused the majority of airsoft facilities in the area to close (Devil Dog, Flag Raiders, Flagswipe, Siege, etc). We've noticed a decline in new players, and an increase in veteran players selling their gear as there's nowhere that consistently hosts airsoft games in the GTA.
That's where The Farm comes in. Located at 5535 2nd Line, Erin ON, The Farm is a short 25 minute drive from Guelph. It will be an airsoft only field, running every Saturday and Sunday throughout the season. We also have plans for specialty games such as "pistol, shotgun, and sniper only" days, night skirmishes, and deep-snow wintertime games. This field is a passion project driven by a desire to grow the airsoft community in the GTA. It is funded, designed, hosted, and built by veteran airsofters with a genuine passion to make a field that they would enjoy playing at.
We will be fairly barebones during our first season, with simple plywood and skid covers and only about a third of the field in-use. We are looking to build and improve as much as possible, and as quickly as possible. We all have ideas, but unfortunately this is the real world where money and time is an issue.
As far as an opening date, we are currently planning for a July 1st, 2023 opener. This is NOT an official announcement of our opening date as we still have a lot of construction and housekeeping to get done before then. We are hoping to officially announce our opening day as soon as possible.
We are incredibly excited to have this happening, and will be keeping the community updated along the way. If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to submit a resume to come referee for us, email me at and I will respond to you as quickly as I can.
And to all of our customers: Thank you. This would not be possible without you, and we're looking forward to treating everyone with an awesome airsoft field built by passionate players.
excited to play! curious on fps limit?