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After months of paperwork, planning, delays, phonecalls, emails, advertising, building, staffing, and so much more; we had our opening weekend of The Farm airsoft field. We're happy to announce that it was a resounding success! Yes, even after Saturday was cancelled due to rain, we are chalking up this weekend as a win.

For those unaware, our "grand opening" turned into a "grand pond" with torrential downpours all morning, causing us to call off the day. Fortunately, Sunday was much more cooperative and we had an amazing day of airsoft! From the weather to our players it was a day of sportsmanship, fun, and most importantly, a lot of BB slinging. We also had a visit from our friendly goats and sheep who got to hang out with folks in the parking lot during lunch. There's a reason this place is called The Farm.

We got a lot of amazing feedback from our players over the weekend, and we've heard you! We've gained a lot of very valuable information from a public play-test of the field, and are looking forward to improving in every way we can. We've said it before and we'll keep saying it, our players and community made this happen. That's why we're pretty confident in saying: You all are the GOATs.

We also had our photographer out this weekend, you can see them here

Some updates for this coming weekend (August 5th and 6th):

- Our HPA station is still non-operational, sorry HPA folks, we're trying to get it up and running asap!

- We are still operating cash-only this weekend. Something we forgot to mention last time was that we are LEGALLY REQUIRED to charge taxes on all items, even if it's cash-only. We don't mess around with CRA. Please prepare accordingly!

- Barrel bags are REQUIRED in safe areas. No socks, no gloves, no exceptions. Please ensure you have a barrel bag before arriving, or you'll have to purchase one at the field.

- Walk-ons are allowed this weekend!


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