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Cars, Basketball, and Traitors

Cars, Basketball, and Traitors

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Another weekend, another game on the books!

With the addition of a brand new (to us) Kia Rhonda from our friends down at Guelph Kia and some tanks with steel pallets courtesy of the side of the road, The Farm is becoming easer to maneuver around during games! No more getting stuck trying to cross over the giant gap between the two center bunkers. Or maybe you wanna pop open a car door and give someone a surprise on the other side?

We also re-jigged our Capture the Flag game to closer-resemble the classic from Devil Dog Airsoft back in 2019. With the addition of the center-lane cover, we've noticed a lot more people pushing for the flag, and actually getting to fight over it which we love to see.

Another game mode made a return due to player request: Griffball! Or at least our own version of it. Two teams start with a basketball, whoever can score 5 goals before the time limit wins! We saw some hilarious strategies and some impressive half-court shots, so this one will definitely be returning!

Speaking of strange game modes, a fan favorite has been making it's run during our "it's 3:15 and there's only 6 people left" time of day. One familiar to all y'all Garry's Mod folks: Trouble in Terrorist Town! Players must use their wits and insight to find and eliminate the secret traitors in the group, all while avoiding the chaotic double agent who will shoot the closest player when they hear their code word. A fantastic way to wind down a day of airsoft, our refs love watching the madness unfold.

Lastly... do you smell that? Smells like... burgers and hot dogs? That's right, courtesy of KGC farms, we are now offering burgers and sausages for lunch! Either pre-order your food through our website or order your food the morning of your game and our friends at KGC farm will hand-deliver you a delicious and homemade meal! All meats and veggies are locally grown, some of them even in the backyard of The Farm! All meals come with a complimentary sports drink and chips.

Thank you all once again for another fantastic month of airsoft! Every weekend we find more and more ways to improve. To the point where we're very excited to announce our first specialty day: Pistols, shotguns, and snipers only! That's right, Saturday September 23rd will be a special day at The Farm where the only weapons allowed are pistols, pump action shotguns, and bolt action snipers. Grab your tickets today and don't miss out on the fun!

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